Crisis Line: 320.253.6900 | Admin Line: 320.251.7203

To all supporters of Anna Marie’s Alliance:

How are you doing?  In this trying time, we are hoping all of you are well.  We wanted to check in and make sure you are weathering COVID-19. 

We are open and continue to take victims into our shelter.  And we continue to work with victims who need assistance but do not need shelter.  Call 320-253-6900 anytime to speak with an advocate. 

We are grateful for your support and we want to stay in touch with you.

Here is what we are doing during this crisis.  Anna Marie’s Alliance is an essential service.  We cannot close the shelter or stop answering the phones.  Yet, we have put in place protocols for staff and residents should anyone contract the virus.  We are staggering leadership duties so we can reduce our risk, we are washing/sanitizing/cleaning everything, and our nurse has developed a procedure should anyone in the shelter contract COVID-19.

We are especially grateful to the members of our community who have made donations, brought us toilet paper, and hand sanitizer.  And we are grateful to those of you who have asked us how WE are doing.  Please accept our heartfelt thanks for all you do for us.

We are continuing to do our work to meet our mission. 

Stay safe and be well,

Anna Marie’s Alliance

PS If we need anything, we will let you know.