Coming Home, the Final Phase of the Building Hope Campaign
In 2017, Anna Marie’s Alliance kicked off a huge fundraising undertaking appealing to the community, local businesses, and other resources, with the goal of remodeling and adding on to our facility.
As many things have changed over the last few years, the original cost for the much-needed office space revamp, dining accommodations update, and, most importantly, the addition to the building that will soon give our shelter residents a lot more of what they need has increased. With two of the four phases of the project complete and $3 million raised to pay for the construction and associated costs of those, we’re excited to now kick off the final two phases of the project!
The final phases of this project have a goal of $3.25 million, and we invite you to consider a financial pledge to help us complete the final phase of the Building Hope Capital Campaign. Your support will ensure that Anna Marie’s provides the best possible spaces for healing and hope for our residents.
With your help, we will boldly work toward our vision of a world free from violence.
We’re saving lives. We’re rebuilding lives. We’re Building Hope.
Help us reach our goal by clicking the button above and making a donation through our Give Lively page or mail your gift to the address below.
Anna Marie’s Alliance
505 10th Avenue N.
Saint Cloud, MN 56303
Call us, we’d love to hear from you!
Coming Home Capital Campaign Fundraising
Raised – $3,022,019 Goal – $3.25 Million
Up Next: Coming Home with Shelter Expansion and Renovation
With Phases 1 and 2 completed, Anna Marie’s Alliance is ready to begin the final two phases of the capital campaign-funded construction on our facility. Depicted in light blue in the rendering to the left, the building will receive an addition to create new housing spaces for residents in our shelter and a remodel of current rooms.
The construction will give families staying with us much needed privacy, with single-family spaces that include their own, bathrooms, kitchenettes, and other accommodations.
The renovation and expansion is planned around the model of helping survivors of domestic violence through Trauma-Informed Care.
To heal, people need safety. They need caring. And they need the space and time that it takes to work through their experiences and help their children do the same.
With your help, Anna Marie’s will be able to do even more to assist our families through their journeys to peace.
* Along with many individuals and community organizations, this project is partially funded by the Benton Telecommunications Foundation, a local foundation.
Maxine Barnett Courtyard
A story in the St. Cloud Times on May 30, 1979, is headlined, “Director named for local women’s shelter.” Maxine Barnett was an inspired choice. During the 33 years that Maxine served as the executive director, she built upon the powerful work of the women before her and what started as a small safe house, became a progressive shelter with one of the most extensive sets of wraparound services for women and children in the nation. Maxine made connections with other nonprofits, schools, law enforcement, health care, and businesses, believing in her heart and head that it really does take a whole village.
“Maxine’s contributions to the women and children of our community are enormous,” said the late Barb Carlson, longtime Anna Marie’s board member. “They range from providing simple safety to setting standards for relationship behavior to educating police officers to challenging the criminal justice system.”
Maxine retired in 2013, after thirty-three years as executive director of Anna Marie’s Alliance. In 2022 she turned eighty.
As Anna Marie’s Alliance completes its expansion and modernization, one new feature of the complex will be the Maxine Barnett Courtyard — a place for the kind of relaxed renewal that is impossible in the midst of abuse.
We invite you to contribute to this highly appropriate and thoroughly deserved honor of Maxine Barnett — toward her vision of “a world free from violence.” Indeed, we invite you to think of this opportunity to give as itself an honor to us who are privileged to share the world of our time with Maxine.
And what a marvelous 80th birthday present to one of the St. Cloud Area’s great ones!
We invite you to consider a financial pledge to help us complete the final phase of the Building Hope Capital Campaign. Your support will ensure that Anna Marie’s provides the best possible spaces for healing and hope for our residents. A monument plaque will be prominent in the courtyard, and will honor Maxine and will include names of all donors to the fund.
“Max and I have been going out to lunch for over 30 years and frequently someone comes up to her to thank her for helping them get through a tough time in their lives. They would say, ‘You and Anna Marie’s transformed my life for me and my kids’ or ‘You saved my life.’”
– Dr. Kathleen Allen, friend of Maxine
If you are looking to designate your donation to the Maxine Barnett Courtyard Fund, email Lori Eich at To donate click the button above or the button below.
Send checks to:
505 10th Ave N
St. Cloud, MN 56303
Phase 1
Construction on the Center for Family Peace
Phase 2
Renovation of offices, child care center, entrance remodel, and improvements to the dining area to make mealtimes a better experience
Phase 3
Construction of apartment-style living quarters to improve family life and preparation outside shelter services
Phase 4
Remodel current dormitory quarters for apartment-style living
Renderings of the new efficiency apartment-style residences planned in Phase Four:
Currently, each of our resident families is housed in a single room, many with three or four beds in a small space, so that mothers and children are together. For every two rooms there is one bathroom, shared by two families.
The addition to the shelter will create units for each family that are similar to efficiency apartments. Privacy, family time, and independence will give residents more space to work through the trauma they have experienced and better facilitate complete healing.
Safe, comfortable, caring, empowering… more than words, these are the foundations for building hope – something each and every person who walks through the doors at Anna Marie’s Alliance needs, above nearly anything else.
Become a part of the Building Hope effort. Make a difference – for survivors of domestic violence, for families, and for the community we share.
For more information, please call us at 320-251-7203. We would love to hear from you.
Final Phase Steering Committee
Chair – Pam Bjerke
Jodi Gertken
Dan Whalen
Dave Smith
Kathy Allen
Pat Welter
Patrick Henry
Melissa McDonnell
Donella Westphal
Thank you to our corporate sponsors!
Stearns Bank N.A.
$100,000 – $250,000
The Bernick Family Foundation
Otto Bremer Trust
$50,000 – $100,000
BCI Construction
Granite Partners, and Granite Companies
Sartell Pediatrics
Schlenner Wenner & Co.
$25,000 – $50,000
Benton Telecommunications Foundation
The Clara Foundation
$10,000 – $25,000
Marsh McLennan Agency
$5,000 – $10,000
Audio Video Extremes
Celebration Lutheran Church
Create a Legacy
Grey Search + Strategy
Rinke Noonan
$1,000 – $5,000
Charity, Inc.
Growth by Design
Morgan Family Foundation
Dubow, Inc.
Precise Heating & A/C
Todd Scholtes AC Heating and More LLC
VFW Post #428
Xcel Energy
Less than $1,000
Agency North
Gate City Bank
Nistler Floor Covering
UBS Financial Services
Coming Home, the Final Phase of the Building Hope Campaign Donors
Cherie Ablan
Kathleen Allan
Deb Anderson
Rita Anderson
Anonymous (11)
Audio Video Extremes
John and Katie Baldwin
Carol and Henry Balfour
Randy and Heidi Baltes
Denny and Liz Barnett
Msgr. Steve Barnett
Kevin and Roberta Basol
Rick and Helga Bauerly Foundation
Bauerly Kopel Family Fund
BCI Construction Inc.
The Roger and Annella Bechtold Family
Geno Beniek
Benton Telecommunications
James Berg and Mary Krueger
The Bernick Family Foundation
Pamela Bernick
Tyler Bevier
Jeannette and Jeff Bineham
Deborah Biorn
Dick and Mimi Bitzan
Loretta Bjerke
Pam and Ryan Bjerke
Cyn Bolsta in Memory of Sandy Bolsta
John Bryant, GeoComm Inc.
Daniel and Mary Kay Carle
Gerald Carlson
Barclay and Janet Carriar
Celebration Lutheran Church
Charity Inc.
The Clara Foundation
Njeri Clement
Ryan and Kelly Coye
Mary Crane
Create a Legacy
Adyson, Harper and Maizie Cross
Ryan and Bethany Cross
Meri Danielson
Tom and Loretta Danzl
David Dennison
Dwayne and Cindy Dockendorf
Dubow, Inc.
Joshua Ellingson
Ed Engelbrecht
Chuck and Pat Ernst
Donald and Anita Fischer
Judy Foster
Laura Fritz
Laure L. Fuerstenberg
Patti Gartland
Gate City Bank
Jeff and Melinda Gau
Chris Gordon
Granite Partners
Deborah Rausch Grant
Dennis and Barb Gregory
Grey Search + Strategy
Tom and Janet Grones
Growth by Design
Gina Halstrom
Steven and Ruth Hansen
Garry and Marjorie Hawkins
Hon. Elizabeth A. Hayden & Hon. Charles H. Flinn
Mike and Karel Helgeson
Michelle Henderson
Cindy Hennen
Bruce and Colleen Hentges
Chelsea Hibbard
Shawn Hinnant
Maryjude Hoeffel
Hoffman Insurance Agency Co.
Gayle Holmgren-Hoeller
Carol and Steve Howe-Veenstra
Nancy Huber in Memory of Bonnie McCabe
Jill Jacobson Ree
Gordon Jallen
Jean Januschka Ebnet
Andrea Johnson
Heidi Johnson
Icephine and Robert C. Johnson
Tim Johnson
Diane V. Jones and Kenneth M. Jones
Cathy and Darren Juilfs
Megan Jundt
Don Jurgens
Kappa Phi Omega in Memory of Caitlin Cruse
Debra Kellerman
Kevin and Amy Kluesner
Jennifer Knutson
Dennis Kologi
Laura Kortuem
Patti Krebs
Deb Kroshus
Judith Kroshus
Kathy Kroshus
Timothy Kroshus ll
David Krueger
Bill and Phyllis LaCroix
Jerry and Kathy Langer
Jason and Emma Larson
Glen Lauer
Gerald and Deanna Lederer
Chris LeDuc and Adam Whitten
Greg and Kris Lehman
Laurie Leitch and Bill Gorcica
Tim and Paula Lindhorst
Hannah Lord
The Lord’s Bountiful Blessings Foundation
Melissa Lorentz
Dick and Jackie Lundstrom
Thor Mack
Andrew Maloney
Bruce Mancini
Kateri Mancini
Gary and Jane Marsden
Marsh McLennan Agency
JoAnn Marshall
Craig and Paulette Martinson
Ann Martodam
Kailee Mastel
Joan Mazacek
Jerry and Maureen McCarter
Paul and Melissa McDonnell
Mike Meyer
Paul Meyer
Janet Michelson
Dennis and Rose Molitor
Morgan Family Foundation
Vicki and Lee Morgan
Ryan and Ellen Morris
Monica Mueller
Louise Muggli
Andy and Leslie Mulder
Patrick and Cathy Mullen
Hannah Navratil
Nordy and Bettye Nelson
Ben and Kari Nemeth
Joe Nguyen and Kim Tjaden
Paul Niebeling
Dennis Nierengarten, DDS
Nistler Floor Covering
Natalie Nistler
Barbara Ellen Norrix
Myrna Ohmann
Mary Olson
Paige Olson
Otto Bremer Trust
Becky Pelkey
Karmel Pengilly
Deb Peters
Pat and Joy Plamann
Mike Podawiltz and Diana Murphy-Podawiltz
James Pollock
Precise Heating & A/C
Geoff and Bernadette Quist
Leah Rado
Becky Reich
Greg and Janet Reigstad
Rinke Noonan
Rhonda Rossman
June Rudolph
Phil Ruggiero
Heather Rykhus
Carly Rysgaard
Sartell Pediatrics
Jeremy and Robin Schaa
James and Lacey Schimers
Schlenner Wenner & Co.
Jim and Darlene Schoenberg
Randy and Angie Schoenrock
Stephen Schuster
Todd and Lisa Severnak
Sherry Siem
Kelly Skalicky
Dave and Jill Smith
Donna Smith
Chad and Carolyn Stang
Stearns Bank, N.A.
Andrew and Janelle Steil
Katarina Steil
Charlotte Stephens
Mark Stiegl
Ed and Kristin Stracke
Barb Strandemo
Gina Streit
Elizabeth and Larry Strenge
Elizabeth Super and John Austin
Lola Sutherland
Lisa Swenson
Tessa Lin Thomas
Jeff and Molly Thompson
Tony and Joyce Tillemans
Todd Scholtes AC Heating and More LLC
UBS Financial Services
Leila Utsch
Christina Van Slooten
Tricia Van Zee
Greg Vandal
Janet Vanderlinden
Brenda Varney
Dustin and Kim Vaverek
Steve and Joan Vincent
VFW Post #428
Jerry and Connie Von Korff
Mary Lou Walker
Carol and Steve Walz
Kay Welsand
Christina Welter
Pat Welter and Patrick Henry
Donella Westphal
Dan and Katharine Whalen
Sharon Whittlef
Matt Wieber, Agency North
Kathryn Wilke
Peggy Wilson
Rose and Mike Windchitl
Diane Wojtanowicz
Julie Wood†
Xcel Energy
Karen Young
Amy Zanotti
Zonta Club of St. Cloud
† forever in our hearts
Phase 1 & 2 of the Building Hope Campaign Donors
Matthew Ackerman
AgVenture Feed & Seed, Inc.
Kathleen Allen
Rita Anderson
Mary Anderson
Loretta Anderson
BadCat Digital
Carol and Hank Balfour
Randy Baltes
Larry Balvitsch
Gina Bartell
Marilyn Bartell
Helen Bauer
BCI Construction, Inc.
Bechtold Family Charitable Fund
Karen and Bob Bellmont
Jan Bensen
Benton Telecommunications Foundation
Toni Berg
Eric Berg
Ruth Berg
Kelli Bergen
Kathleen Crawford Bernick and Mark Bernick
Bernice Berns
LaRayne Betlach
Russell Bialke
Deborah Biorn
Mimi and Dick Bitzan
Antoinette Boie
Mary Boom
Timothy Botz
Kristina Brosowsky
Jill Dalager Brunner
Elizabeth Brunsvold
Sandy and Bob Burtness
Dale Buske
Mary Ann Buttweiler
Jerome and Barbara* Carlson
Central Minnesota Multi Housing Association
Central MN Noon Optimist Club
CH Robinson
Church of Saint Boniface
Patricia Cicharz
Virginia Clark
Rachael Click
Lorraine Cofell
Cold Spring Lions Club
Community Development Block Grant, City of St. Cloud
Community Giving
Edward Cook
Taylor Cook
Carol Copeland
Gary Copeland Revocable Trust
Samuel Court
Ryan and Bethany Cross
Gene Danneman
Dayton Foundation
Heidi Santiago DeFord
Tami DeLand
John Demotts
Dr. Richard Dendinger
Tam Denholm
Arthur Dingmann
Jodi Domeier
Robert Donley
Doreen Meier HR Consulting LLC
Judy Dorn
Kevin and Deb Durken
Linda Eich Des Jardins, and Eich Motor Company
Marie Eli
Brenda Enneking
Patricia Ernst
Essence Property Management, Inc.
Albert Ethen
Bridget Faber
Kay Farris
Don Fischer
Stacie Flaherty
Jolene Foss
Teresa Fragodt
Elizabeth Freihammer
Lori Fuchs
Fusion Strategies
Jeff and Melinda Gau
General Federated Women’s Club of Delano
Sonja Gidlow and Tim Worms
Mary Goerdt
Karie Gohman
Sue Gohman
Sara Goltz
Dorothy Gorecki
Deborah Grant
Steven Greenfield
Dennis and Barbara Gregory
Tom and Janet Grones
Tim and Kelly Haeg
Marlene Haider
Jason and Ann Hallonquist
Maureen Halverson
Earleen Hanafy
Larry Hanke and Roberta Rott
Lynne Harrington
Jennifer Harris
Jen and Lee Harris
Dorothy Hebert
Rodney Heiser
Karel and Mike Helgeson
Charles Hempeck and Heidi Runyon
Michelle R. Henderson
Lavonne Hinnenkamp
Jeffrey Hippler
HMA Architects
John Hoffman
Gregory Hohlen
Brenda Holden
Michael Hornung
Nancy Huber
Pamela Huhtala
Lori and Terry Humbert
Mavis Jante
Barb Johnson
Betty Johnson
Beth Johnston
Diane Jones
Karen Jones
Coral Jordan
Phil and Marva Jorgensen
Mary Lou Kasella
Brian and Bonnie Kay
Kelleher Family Charitable Fund
Marlyss Keller
Debra Kellerman
Chuck and Jana Kelly
Patty Kennedy
Donald and Mary Kiess
Bristy Kiffmeyer
Janna King
Dale and Karen Kleinschmidt
Brenda Klimstra
Kyle Knudtson
Christine Kodet
Marina Koopmeiners
Loretta Kosel
Robert and Mary Kovell
Greta Stark-Kraker
Joan Krause
Sandra Krebsbach
Janal Kruzel
Joanne and Chris Kudrna
Bill and Phyllis Lacroix
Sandra Lahr
Steven Laraway
Jason Larson
Glen Lauer
Julie Leapaldt
J Leapaldt & Associates LLC
Bill and Teresa LeClaire
Douglas Lee
Mary Ann Leitch
Gerald and Mary Lou Lenz
LeSauk Lions Club
Steven Letnes
Clyde Lewandowski
Carol Lien
Father Vincent Lieser
Tim and Paula Lindhorst
Linda and Richard Lloyd
Janet Lore
William Luksetich
Dee Lundblum
Murray and Sue Mack
Mahowald Insurance Agency
John Mahowald and Donna Kuhl
Robert and Anne Mahowald
Jason and Maria Mallory
Julie Marchand
Marco Technologies, Inc.
Mardag Foundation
Heidi Marek
Gary and Jane Marsden
Karen Martens
Paulette Martinson
Lisa Marvin
Susan Massmann
Maureen and Jerry McCarter
Diane McClure
Matt McClure
Linda McManus
Joan Menke
Myrna Menth
Jason and Lisa Merchant
John Meuers
Ann Meyer
Paul Meyer
Minnwest Bank
Jane Moening
Pat Molitor
Lee and Vicki Morgan
Dee Moriarty
Mary Morris
Nancy and Stanley Mosack
Sandy and Joe Nadeau
Jo Ann Nadeau
National Philanthropic Trust
Jason Neumann
Jason Nies
Susan Nikodym
Lori and Rick Nilson
Mary Nimmerfroh
Penny and Del Noetzelman
Sharon Oliver
Bruce Helmer and Pamela McNeil
Greg and Ellen Pelletier
Elaine Pelzer
Jill Peterson
Lee and Kris Pflepse
Larry Phillips
Katrina Pierson
Audrey Plachecki
Mike Podawiltz and Diana Murphy Podawiltz
Doug Polley
Nicole Possehl
Marie Quam
Quarry Title & Closing
Geoff Quist
Amy Raeth
Kathy Rahm
Thomas and Julie Raiche
Deanna Raiter
Jeanne and Ronald Rausch
Lori Rebischke
Deloris Reich
Ed Reichert
Joy Reid
Alicia Reif
Jerry Relph
Rinke Noonan, LTD
Beth Risk
Ann and James Romanowsky
Dayle and Jerry Roos
Patricia Rose
Rotary Club of St. Cloud
Kristin Rothstein
Evelyn Ruggiero
Jon and Joy Ruis
Rachel and Theodore Ruzanic
Darlene Salitros
David and Kim Salitros
Pat Samuel
Catherine Sauer
Vicki Schaefer
Dean Schenk
Darlene Scherbing
Judy Scheuerell
Schlenner Wenner & Co
Richard and Marlene Schlichting
Tom and Joyce Schlough
Ted Schmid
Ileen Schmitt
Ron and Jackie Schoenfelder
Donna Scholer
Deb and Dan Schroeder
Rick Schwardaman
SCSU Local 753
Don Helgeson* and Sue Shepard
Peg Shroyer
Tom Sibley and Jennifer Galovich
Gerald Sinder
Ken and Kim Smith
Louis Smith
Gerald Smitten
Steve Soyka
Spee Dee Delivery Service
Mary Spiczka
Patricia Spiczka
St. Ann’s Mission Group of St. Joseph’s Parish
St. Cloud Area Sertoma Club
St. Cloud Rotary Club
St. Cloud Southsiders Lions Club
St. Joseph Y2K Lions Club
St. Michael’s Mission Group
St. Monica’s Christian Women
State Farm Insurance
Cindy Stay
Stearns Bank, N.A.
Jill Stefansen
Charlotte Stephens
Joan Stommes
Barbara Strandemo
Marcia Summers
Donald Surma
Lola Sutherland
Nancy and Jack Swanson
John D. Taylor
Amy Tersteeg
Dr. John Teskey
James Theisen
Mark and Ann* Thelen
Marcy Thielen
Dan and Julie Tiede
Eric Tix
Joanne-Karen Kudrna-Toepfer
Kara Tomazin
Jerry Torborg
Belinda Tysver
UBS Donor Advised Fund
Chris Undersander
United Development Solutions, LLC
United Way of Central Minnesota
Mary Vanderbeck
Marisa Thull-Vargas
Carol Veurink
Steve and Joan Vincent
Tamara Hennes-Vix
Susan and David Voeltz
Heidi Voigt
Lorraine Wagner
Elizabeth Waldhauer
Mary Ann Waletzko
Mary Walker
Wall To Wall Carpet Cleaning
Jeanne Walthour
Carol Walz
Rosemary Ward
Don and Janet Watkins
WCA Foundation
Carol and Daniel Weber
Paula Weber
Randy Weiher
Carol Wendt
John and Bonnie Wenker
Janet and Tim Wensman
Jon Weston
Bob and Penny White
Lonny and Carol Wild
Alexandra Wilke
Ron Willey
Joy Williams
Williams Dingmann Funeral Home
Jim Wolter
Women of the Moose Chapter 417
Y2K Lions
Bill* and Karen Young
Ryan and Dawn Zimmerman
Brian Zimny
Zonta Club of St. Cloud
Fredrick Zwiefel