Crisis Line: 320.253.6900 | Admin Line: 320.251.7203

Planned Giving

Planned Giving | Anna Marie's Alliance

Planned Giving

Leaving a personal legacy doesn’t have to be difficult. If you’re thinking about what you want to do to leave the world a little bit better than you found it, considering your charitable giving options can help as you make decisions about a planned giving model that works for you.

Whether you wish to donate now and see your gift at work in the community, or you’re making your estate plan and wish to list AMA as a beneficiary in your will, speak to your financial advisor about the giving options below. Making sure your charitable vision becomes a reality can be simple.

Through planned giving, you can translate your passion for the mission of Anna Marie’s Alliance into a legacy of help for future generations.

Planned giving helps you in two ways:  it will assist you in making a significant gift that will change the lives of the people you care about and we serve; and you’ll receive the maximum tax benefits for your donation.

Please contact Anna Marie’s Director of Development & Communications, Lori Eich, at 320-251-7203 for additional information.

We are not financial planners or lawyers.  Please consult with your personal attorney or financial planner regarding the following types of gifts —

Planned Giving Options —


A bequest from a will or a trust distribution to Anna Marie’s Alliance is fully deductible for federal estate tax purposes, regardless of the size of the bequest.

Gifts of Stock | Securities Gift

Giving appreciated securities may be beneficial and tax savings for you.

Retirement Fund and IRA Gifts

You can donate funds from these accounts.

Life Insurance Policy Gifts

This is an easy way to give a gift to Anna Marie’s Alliance with great tax benefits.

Real Estate Gifts

Donate property and get a deduction.

Charitable Lead Trusts

Pass your assets to your heirs while helping Anna Marie’s Alliance during your lifetime.

Charitable Remainder Trusts

Receive income and tax benefits for life while passing a significant gift to Anna Marie’s Alliance later.

Retained Life Estates

A unique way of giving a gift of real estate and remain living in your gift of real estate.

For more information on how to take advantage of planned giving, contact your attorney or financial planner.

Would you like to add Anna Marie’s Alliance to your planned giving? Please contact Lori Eich 320.251.7203 x251 or email

Thank you for considering making a lasting gift to Anna Marie’s Alliance.

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