Crisis Line: 320.253.6900 | Admin Line: 320.251.7203

Other Community Events

Chip for Change

Golf tournament coordinated by Central Minnesota Multi Housing Association (CMMHA)
September 12th at the Kimball Golf Club
10:00am – shotgun start!

Jessie's Wish BBQ Fundraiser

7th Annual Jessie’s Wish BBQ Fundraiser
September 21st, 1pm-5pm
Samuelson Residence
7778 160th Street NW
Clearwater, MN 55320
$10 entry fee per attendee

Kindness Cake with Jules' Bistro

Kindness Cake at Jules’ Bistro is back! The proceeds from the Kindness Cake for September and October will be donated to Anna Marie’s Alliance. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month so make sure you get some delicious cake and share the mission of AMA to your family and friends.


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